Friday, December 15, 2006

Coffee and Exams and Writing and Such

I'm so high on caffeine I'm practically shaking right now as I type this, and I've been awake for 24 hours, studying for my psych final, which I just got home from. It's a 2-hour final, 66 multiple choice questions, and I finished it in just under half an hour. Why? Cuz it's on personality disorders, which frankly interest the hell out of me, and so I knew it, even though I'd not slept.

I think I'm going to go to sleep now, because sooner or later I'm just going to go SPLAT and I'd rather be in bed when that happens.

Of course, there's the nagging little bit of me that wants to sit here and gnaw away at my hook for the crapometer for the next 10 hours, which would be hugely unhealthy and ridiculously unproductive because who can work when they've not actually slept?

Not sleeping is good for some things, though. I came up with the most utterly fantabulous first line for my novel at about three this morning. What is this sparkling gem of caffeine and sleep-deprived brilliance? "You know, the Gestapo went out of fashion ages ago."

Amused me, anyway. We'll see what I think about it when I wake up.

Partly terrified of the thought that I'll somehow manage to sleep the next day and a half and miss the crapometer entirely, which would suck.

And I'm rambling now. Time for Kate to clear off the bed and go to sleep.

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