Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bad Logic?

Well, I just got back my second snail-mail query letter.

Clearly, the logic that I was using was faulty. Another form rejection.

Ah well.

I'm looking at this on a more positive note: now that I'm not worrying about my query floating around on the streets of NYC, I can focus on giving the piece the edit that it sorely needs that would change it from what the queries I sent out said that it looked like.

Of course, it may just be that my query letter/synopsis sucks. Which is entirely possible. Also more than possible is that, y'know, the writing sucks.

Ah well.

Goal for now is to get this piece through its new edits, and have it ready to be sent out again by the end of March, hopefully this time in a round of submissions rather than one at a time (that way, I can get a bunch of rejections in a row!)

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