Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Firstly, let me assure you that I live in a large city (Philadelphia). I live in a large city that typically does get snow every year. So, one would assume that in said large city, with lots of people, that if this city gets snow every year, that there would be, y'know, plans for what to do when said snow came.

We got about 3 inches over the course of yesterday/last night. Towards the early morning, it started sleeting, so there's a nice layer of ice on top of the snow. But, as I said, we get that about every year, at least once. Yeah, it's kinda late this year, but it's still winter.

So I was out at about 11 last night, it was yucky, the roads were unplowed, etc. I looked around and thought, thank god it won't be like that tomorrow. They've got all night to plow the roads and salt them, and clear off the sidewalks, and all those nice things that makes the lives of both drivers and pedestrians a hell of a lot easier.

I wake up this morning and look outside. I don't have a street view, instead I have the view of the little courtyard towards the inside of the building. But when I see snow there, I'm not bothered. I couldn't imagine that clearing off the courtyard where no one goes could ever be much of a priority. Fair enough.

Then I check my sibs' school page; they have a snowday. I call home to moan about the fact that they're getting the day off and I'm not. Mom says that Dad (who works in the city) has decided not to come in, and that she's going to work from home as well. She asks me what the roads are like, obviously I can't tell her as I've not yet ventured outside. But I assume that they've been plowed and call my dad a sissy for not wanting to come in.

My first class this morning was at 9, and so, all wrapped up, I head outside. And what do I see?


No sidewalk. No roads.



As of right now (10:00), the roads are still not plowed.

I'm sincerely considering skipping the rest of my classes today as it would clearly be hazardous to my health to venture outside to go through icy snow that no one could think to clear off for the sake of the fucking students.

Grrr...I'm just annoyed by the stupidity of it all. We get snow EVERY year. Why aren't we prepared for it?

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