Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Paper from Hell!!!

Well, my paper is due in 3 hours and 20 minutes.

The good news? It's written

The bad news? It's so puke-worthy that I'm almost ashamed to hand it in.

I'm going over it now, after a nice long nap (8 hours worth...oops) and I'm just hoping that I can salvage some of it before 2 comes around. Not to mention that I'm already skipping a class just so that I can rewrite it right now, and I have Russian in an hour, and I really shouldn't skip that (well, I shouldn't be skipping neuroscience either, but that's another story. If I fail THAT midterm, in that class, it's best out of 3 exams, so not too many worries.

I've never been as unready as this to hand a paper in, and I hate the way it feels. I hate the fact that I procrastinated until tonight to do it, and now I've got a piece of crap to hand in.

Much need time management skills, me thinks.

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