Sunday, December 10, 2006

Lazy Bitch

I'm lying in bed with my laptop, and I've just realized that the music stopped playing and I'm still wearing my headphones.

There's a gazillion things to be done.

On the educational side (which I can't afford to neglect), papers to write and exams to study for

On the writing side, a novel to edit, a stupidgoddamnedhook to deal with by Friday for the crapometer, and by midnight, I have to have a full critique on a 200-page book that I said I'd edit for another nanowrimo-er. Fortunately, I've read it all the way through, so it'll only take about four hours instead of ten if I want to give a proper critique (and I really do).

And you know what I'm doing?
That's right. Lying in bed with my laptop.
Doing none of these things.
Instead, I'm playng Dicewars, a hugely fun and timewasting game.

I'm probably going to do this for at least another hour, despite me telling myself that I need to do some work. Then I'll stay up all night working. Even though I work better at night, that's still not really a great schedule to get myself on.

At least I've done all my Christmas shopping.

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