Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Okay, I'm uber-excited. Why? See, lulu.com does a promotional deal for nanowrimo winners, and you can get one free copy of your book. It doesn't even have to made visible to the public, so it's not giving up first rights. What it means is that in a few weeks, I'll have a book delivered to me, that has my name on it as the author.

Yeah, I know it's not quite the real thing. It's not gone through the hell of revision and all that (in fact, it's not been edited at all. Then again, it's just a copy for me to put on my desk and squee at all day...which I definitely will), but it's going to give me incentive to push for getting it done for real, getting it really, honestly, truly published.

Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.


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