Wednesday, December 13, 2006


So, as well as trying to find an agent for my book in 2007, I've also decided that it would be a good idea for me to continue writing, becuase the fact is, that maybe I won't be able to sell my first book. In that case, I need to at least be working on something else that could potentially be it. Thus, NaNoWriYe - National Novel Writing Year. I think there's a website for it, but I can't be bothered to find it at the moment.

What kind of goal have I set for myself? Well, I already know that my next Nano goal is 300k words, so that's at least 300k. But I know that writing 5000 words a day is not a particulary difficult task for me - I can do it in about 2 hours. So I decided to set my goal at a rather ambitious 2 million words. That's just 5000 words a day January-October, 10k words a day in November, and 6k words in December, with one day off somewhere in the year. That seems like a decent enough plan to me, without me actually knowing what much of my next year is going to look like.

Of course, then I have to sit back and realize that 2 million words is 20 100k rought drafts. That's 20 novels. And that's far scarier to think about than just plain old 2 million words. Do I have 20 different ideas in my head that I can write to 100k?

Well, we'll see, won't we?


Kate said...


Katherine Hazen said...

Wow, and I thought the three novels I wanted to do first drafts of in 2007 was ambitious. Good luck. I think I'll be stopping back in periodically to see how you're doing.

Good luck in the Crapometer tomorrow! :)