Saturday, December 23, 2006

Season's Greetings!

Well, it's nearly Christmas Eve, and I'm sitting at home on the dial-up connection (though we're getting high-speed on the 27th, I think).

I've rewritten an outline for a mortal god and I'm 2500 words into it so far, but I can't quite motivate myself to write any more. I think I'll write some more tonight, but I'm having one of my spells where I'm convinced that I'll never be a published author. Unfortunately, these spells can last months, and so I'm hoping that with nanowriye starting in a week, I can work myself out of it.

I'm hoping to finish this draft by New Year's, but I realize how unlikely it is. Maybe it'll just sit docilely on my hard drive until the end of the year (if the stupid f%$king laptop lasts that long) and then I can work on it again.

I haven't quite given up the dream of being published before I graduate, but it's looking more and more unrealistic as time goes on.

In any case, happy holidays to all!

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