Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Day 15.....Hurrah!

Well, as of just a few minutes ago, I finished the fantasy nano, clocking in at 100,143 words, which is incredibly awesome, and I am so deliriously happy right now that I swear I could fly (no, I'm not going to jump out of my 4th story window and try...haha). It means that I've reached the 150k mark by halfway through nano, which means that I am more than halfway through my goal of 250k in the month!

The next novel, Final Night, is going to be a contemporary lit-fic piece, with 10 different characters (each, conveniently, with a single 5000 word chapter) and while there are 4 different arcs, everyone is connected to everyone in some way. This books is going to show 10 different people on the eve of the greatest night of their lives, and it is going to show the inter-connected-ness of things. Or something like that. More likely, it's going to be 50k words of bullshit. But that's okay. I can deal with that after November.

I'm not starting that until Monday (probably). There's too much stuff that I've been neglecting over the past 2 weeks, and so the next four days are going to be completely devoted to getting it done. That means that when I start next Monday, right before Thanksgiving, I'm more or less caught up with everything.

Of course, considering how boring my Thanksgivings usually are, I'll be able to write over the whole break, and so maybe I'll finish the nano in less than the five scheduled days. After all, I've got a fourth nano to write!


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