Monday, November 27, 2006

Done with Nano 2006

Well, I came to the conclusion this morning that I just don't have it in me to write any more this month. I have a paper due tomorrow that seriously needs my attention, and my hands are hurting so badly that they may fall off within the next hour or two.

Total word count for this year: 236,424. (And if we're counting the abortive lit-fic, it's about 244k)

Quite short of the 300k goal that I set myself, but I took several days off, and while a 10k a day pace isn't really that hard for me, it starts to get tricky when one takes five or six days off and then has to make up those words in the last few remaining days.

All in all, I'd have to say that Nano was a success for me, and a learning experience. I've never written quite this much in a month before, and by the end of it (last night), I was typing 4044 words an hour (actually, 50 minutes) which stunned me beyond all belief, considering that my normal pace is a sedate 2k an hour.

I intend to finsh the fantasy story that I didn't finish, I like it, I just can't bring myself to write it right now. I will polish up the other fantasy one, because I like that one too. I'm on the rocks about the fourth one, the one that I wrote in 3 days and is really quite odd and I doubt there is much salvageable in it.

So what am I going to do now? Well, I have a shipment of books coming in today, and I think that I'm going to celebrate by having a nice lazy day, with only one class that I need to go to. After November is over, I'm going to be starting on the exciting world of editing.

I'll be doing Nano next year, too, and next year, I will hit 300k.

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